
A Journey from Victim to Survivor…to Living Freely

I Must Be In Recovery

on September 18, 2013

I must be in recovery.  I must be in recovery because I am incredibly anxious and I am still meeting meal plan.  I must be in recovery because I am not blaming myself for this court case or what the rapist is doing.  I must be in recovery because I am not hurting myself.  I am in recovery.  I must be in recovery because I reached out to my boyfriend instead of isolating.  I am making wise choices and they make more sense than fasting or restricting….more sense than cutting or burning…more sense than hiding that I am sad and teary and anxious….and it’s okay.  These feelings will pass as waves on the shore receed.  I am in recovery.  I can honestly say that I am in recovery.  I am not recovered AND that is okay.  I am healing and working and choosing health.

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